Yli 2 500 englanninkielistä aikakauslehteä Ilmainen lähetys, ei lisäkuluja Tilaus ei jatku automaattisesti
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Vuositilaus: 6 Toimitusta | Kieli: Saksan kieli | Maa: Saksa
€ 49,95
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The German 'Landlust' magazine focuses on rural forms of living, the common country life, nature, the country kitchen and is filled with ideas about the garden. Readers share interesting facts about the domestic flora and fauna. Land gardens are portrayed and useful knowledge is shared from sowing vegetables to rediscovered old fruit varieties. In addition it provides the reader with baking recipes. Adapted to the season, the reader awaits all kinds of atmospheric and creative ideas. Christmas dishes and spring decorations for the apartment are just as much part of the concept of 'Landlust' as excursion tips.


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